About a month ago I finally managed to sell everything and purchase myself an ’06 H3 Hummer with only 41,000 Miles on the odometer. My Hummer has both the Adventure and Luxury packages, which means I have heated leather seats, a sunroof, the monsoon premium sound system with a sub-woofer, 4:1 Transfer case, 33 inch tires, and of course the rear locking differential from the factory. The ride is great, the gas miles is about 20 miles / gallon, and the sound system is much better than I though it would be. I also think that there must be some sort of sound-deading or something because the Hummer is incredibly absent of noise a highway speeds. I also found out that the thickness of the steering wheel is not like a normal car, it is much thicker and feels absolutely great in my hands.
I’m not sure why or how, but I had SirusXM Satellite Radio for about month free, and when it got turned off I had to have it again. I started by looking up the prices of SirusXM and was immediately disappointed because of the pricing and wasn’t going to purchase it. But after some internet research, I found out that the trick to getting SirusXM at a price I’ll pay for, is to jump from promotion to promotion. To do this, all some one has to do is call in and ask for what ever the promotion they are currently offering, I got six months for $25.00 which includes everything but the adult channels and NASCAR. Then when ever that promotions time is about up, just under six months for me, call in and sign up for what ever the next promotion is so that the payments don’t go to the normal rates.
I have read a lot about people saying that the H3 Hummer is under powered and slow, but I’m not sure what they are comparing it to. Maybe they are used to driving Mustang’s, Camaro’s, and SUV’s with huge v8’s because they are completely off base by my judgement. To me the H3 Hummer moves plenty fast, and has plenty of torque. I constantly have to monitor the speedometer because the Hummer quietly keeps on pulling. I have no problem holding 80 miles / hour on the highway, and I have never seen the Hummer gear hunting when heading up hills. What I really think is going on, is that these people want something that cannot be done. They want this imaginary, heavy duty SUV, that drives and handles like a sports car, and all the while getting great gas mileage, which is just something that will never happen.
After owning my H3 Hummer for a month or so I have decide on changing up what aftermarket parts and modification I want to do. I decided that the factory sliders are just to flimsy and that I will be building my own out of half-inch steel plate, 5×2-inch square tubing, and 1.75 inch DOM tubing to produce the strength, look, and price range I so desire because the aftermarket one’s are just to expensive. I already have the whole Hunner Skid Plates setup to protect my rear axle’s shock mounts and u-bolts getting powder-coated by my favorite guy for the job at Paradigm Coatings. I also plan to make and produce some longer shackles for the leaf spring in the rear to add some precious inches to the ground clearance that the H3 could use. I still plan on getting the winch mount by DeFelice Off-Raod and I have narrowed the winch down to the Warn VR8000 and like I said, I still plan to purchase the WARN Wireless Control System so that I don’t need to run in cab controls. I wasn’t lucky enough to get all the factory skid plates, which means I need to either purchase the factory one’s, or more likely, I want to make my own out of 3/8 inch thick steel. Finally, I plan to bring the front end of the Hummer up a bit by cranking the torsion-bars to about 1.5 inches higher than factory height, while factoring in the added weight of all these parts, so I can fit 35 inch General Grabber tires.
So all in all I’m like a kid at the night before Christmas all excited to get started building these Heavy Duty Rock Sliders, and I can wait to show you the build.
My H3 Hummer

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