Let me start off by thanking all the mothers of the world, in their struggles of razing hellions like me. My brother and I personally got are mother her favorite perfume which she is running out of and a watch that came with a matching bracelet. Even though today is Mother’s Day, I still found some time to get out and have some fun which I ended up going Geocaching with my Dad and the dog.
We went to Marengo ridge which is part of Mchenry Count Conservation District, but for us locals we remember it as Kunde Wood’s. To brush up on the history of this land it was originally owned by Dr. Emerson Kunde who noticed that the land was heavily over grazed by livestock and is famously quote saying “The soil was so hard you could hardly put a pickaxe into it.” He planted many kinds of pine trees believing that these trees had the ability to survive in the poor soil conditions, and now the park is a thriving forest.
Anyway, I went there to enjoy the woods, walk the dog, and most importantly find a few Geocaches (Marengo Moraine, Chicago land Battleship Geocaching Challenge: A1, The Daniel Jackson). My dog, Koby, made it a bit difficult because he gets extremely excited on walks but I managed to find them all. The Battleship one is difficult unless you have the map, which I so happened to be here. Also the Marengo Moraine isn’t a normal Geocach, once you get to the area there will be a post to help you answer the questions to log this one.
The Marengo ridge is unique because it is the farthest west distance traveled by the Lake Michigan Lobe of the Wisconsin glacier. In one part of the park you stand upon the Marengo Moraine an enormous pile of rocks, gravel, sand which is called glacial till. The deposit of rock, gravel, and sand is up to 280ft deep and is 40 miles long. The earliest deposit of glacial till is from 270,000 years ago and the most resent only 15,000 years ago.
All in all it was a good day, I was worried it might be cold, but that wasn’t the case. Again I wish all the mothers a Happy Mother’s Day.
Till the next Adventure.
Happy Mother's Day!

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