I would like to mark a changing point in my website with today’s post. I find that Climbing is a great metaphor for something that I have been dreaming about, and that dream is that “I want to replace Mike Rowe.” While that may seem mean it should be taken as complement because I want to be like him. What I like about him is how he brings everything and everyone’s mood down to earth. He just seems to fit in everywhere, while retaining who he is as a person. He just laughs when in pain or bad a situation. These are some of the reason why I want to be like him, but do my thing.
As for why I choose “climbing” as a metaphor, it’s really simple to explain, I have joined a rock climbing gym in Crystal Lake, IL called North Wall Rock Gym. If you have been inside a martial arts gym where you can openly talk to your Sensei you know the feeling. But if you don’t, it’s basically a place to hang-out, with 25′ ceilings, and grips bolted to the wall everywhere, begging you to climb them. I should mention I do not use the ropes to climb and I do not use a safety harness of any type to catch me if I were to fall. Instead a very thick mat is below me, referred to as a crash pad. This style of climbing without ropes and generally a short distance off the ground is called Bouldering.
Now this sport is very demanding physically and let me be the first to tell you, “I need practice,” but I see it as the next challenge to, well, climb. I have already paid for a month and bought myself some climbing shoes. Five Ten – coyote Lace-up to be precise and I go about three times a week now. Let me tell you these new shoes made a huge difference from the ones I have been renting from them. Now, I was surprised and you maybe be too to find a lot of these people climb in jeans and what seemed to be everyday clothing, but as it turns out shorts and loose-fitting clothes are not necessary.
As for how I’m going to change the website, I would like to begin to blog daily about all things outdoors that my friends and I do. I may get side-tracked with somethings like the phone I want, HTC EVO from Sprint which I have entered to win one, but I will try to make sure that everything is at least a least a little bit relative. Like I have plans to use that phone for logging trails, taking photos, video, and of course the social aspect of it while outdoors.
Which brings me back to why “I want to replace Mike Rowe.” I want to create a TV show that while similar Dirty Jobs, a show Mike Rowe hosts, I too want to go about America meeting average people doing their thing. But where I change it up a bit is that I’m not visiting them at their Job but rather an outdoor sport or hobby they do. Which include things like Hiking, Backpacking, Mountain-Biking, Kayaking, Canoeing, Rock Climbing, Camping, and Fishing just to name a few. Now I’m going to start of slow by taking video, pictures, GPS tracks and posting in a similar fashion to the trail write-ups for all the adventures I have. Also in the works I plan to really get into YouTube with video of what I’m doing outdoors.
With that said I will begin my journey.

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