Just the other day, while driving back from a weekend of packing parachutes at Skydive Alabama, my H3 Hummer crossed over the 130,000 mileage mark on the odometer. I think that my H3 has entered it’s proving grounds now. This mileage period from now on shows how well built the vehicle really is. With a goal of 250,000 on the odometer, I want to reflect back on the vehicle’s performance so far. While I wish I had more power from the engine, however the 3.5 L (211 CID) L52 I5 has never let me down in all those miles. The body feels completely solid, despite the rust belt’s handy work. And except for the wear and tear on the driver side seat from the previous owner, the interior is great. Anyway, I’ve been worried for years that the damage to the seat in the first 30,000 miles was going to spread. Even though I have been worried, after 100,000 mileage of loving and caring the seat hasn’t gotten any worse.
Despite all the good news, I’ve had needed to replace a few minor parts. Around 60,000 miles, my H3 Hummer’s Radiator Thermostat needed replacing because it would open up before the correct operating temperature. The H3 would run around 25° cooler than what is recommended for the 3.5L L52 I5 engine. After 3 visits to Burning Man and a few rather deep water crossings, the Evaporative Emissions Canister Vent Valve Solenoid gave out. I believe that did the Vent Valve Solenoid in was all the dirt and mud that got crammed in there. When I replaced the Evaporative Emissions Canister Vent Valve Solenoid, it didn’t come with a Solenoid Jumper Wire which was needed to properly replace it. Finally, the last issue I have is how easily the Front Grille Assembly is ripped off the front end by brush. Although, a real solution to that problem is to get some brush guards on the front.
I keep asking myself, “What’s the future going to hold for this H3 Hummer?” I’m a little bit scared of that answer because I don’t want the vehicle to become stagnate and old. While my recent project, the H3 Hummer Quick & Easy Bluetooth Audio project brings me pleasure. I find comfort in some projects I have set for the summer of 2016. With any luck, I’d like to offer the strongest “Bull Bars” money can buy, without it becoming gaudy. I’ve been talking about building a Hi-Lift / CB Antenna Mount for years, and hope that this is a year I finally get those projects done. I also plan to replace most of the parts in the front suspension that can wear out, along with an alignment sometime soon. Hopefully, before I get new tires put on the H3 this summer, so that front suspension can feel like a brand new H3 again.
130,000 Miles

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