End of June and into the first few weeks of July are always the busiest weeks of my life right now. I just skydived into Naval Station Great Lakes on Tuesday, I jumped into the Bartlett Illinois Fourth of July Festival yesterday, Chicagoland Skydiving Center Independence Boogie is happening at my place of work all week, the Spartan Chin GoPro mounts are selling fast (have mentioned that I have hero 3, 4, 5, and 6… haven’t had time to put them on website yet), and Hummer parts are selling fast lately. However, that’s not the point of this post. Instead, I just wanted to everyone to know that I’m working hard, making sure deadlines are met, and parts are getting shipped. Thanks for your guys support, it is an honor to get to do the things that I do. Wish you all a happy Fourth of July weekend. But now I need to return to work.

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