In with the new, and out with the old. I’m dumping my old shopping cart software in favor of the more popular WooCommerce. If you’re interested in why, well I have my reasons. I’m theme developer, and I don’t need some shopping cart software attempting to do what I can do better. I would rather the shopping cart software use as many of the well polished built in WordPress features, instead of reinventing the wheel. Some other odds and ends also bothered me too. However those details are rather boring to explain.
I’d like to make things fun for you and me. Suppose you find an issues with the website or the shopping cart that I have missed, I’ll hand out a discount for purchase. Something along the lines $5.00 off for purchases below $100, and $10 off anything over $100.
If you happened to find an issue, please comment down below, or use the contact me page.
Updates & WooCommerce

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