WordPress Theme Adventure


WordPress Theme that tries to persuade the user that they’re not sitting behind a computer.


Customizing Adventure

The video is for Semper Fi, but it is completely the same step. Also I will be creating a video specifically for Adventure soon.


Adjust Color of the Background for Content??Adjust Color of the Background for Sidebar??Adjust the spacing between the top of the page and content??

Adventure Theme Features Adventure Adventure+
100% Responsive WordPress Theme ? ?
Clean and Beautiful Stylized HTML, CSS, JavaScript ? ?
Change the site Title and Slogan Colors ? ?
Upload Your Own Background Image ? ?
Adjust the opacity of the Content from 0 to 100% in 5% intervails ? ?
Adjust the opacity of the Sidebar from 0 to 100% in 5% intervails ? ?
Multiple Menu Banner Images to Choose ? ?
Control wether or not the “Previous” & “Next” shows ? ?
Upload your own image for the Background ?
Upload Your Own Custom Banner Image ?
Upload Your Own Logo in either the Header or above Content ?
Change the Font Color in the Content ?
Change the Link Colors in the Menu ?
Choose you own Hyper Link Color ?
Favicon on Your Website ?
The Ability to use Custom Fonts from Typekit ?
Remove my Mark from the Footer ?
Personal Support on Technical Issues You May Run Into ?

How to Install

The WordPress Theme Adventure files and folders in zip format can be downloaded by clicking on this link. The plus version of the Theme Adventure can only be downloaded after you have completed the checkout process. If you have any trouble obtaining the plus version after purchasing it, contact me using this form.

  1. Download Adventure in a zip format and leave it as is.
  2. In your admin panel go to Appearance > Themes > Install Themes
  3. Select ‘ Upload’ from the top menu (It is right next to the ‘search’, ‘featured’, ‘newest’…)
  4. Browse your computer for adventure.zip or adventureplus.zip
  5. Click and Upload.
  6. Be sure to Click “Activate” if prompted.

Now, under your Appearance Tab, in the Themes directory you should now have your new theme under the name “Adventure” or “Adventure+.”

Adventure – Version Information

2.4 Added the ablitity to put soical icon and/or a search bar into the menu. Fixed the issue with the theme display “and comments are closed.” Added Google Analytics and Web Master Tool option because everyone should have it and more control of over the comments display too. The option to choose either display excerpts or the entire content of a post or page. You can choose to display dates on posts.
2.2 The update this time around was mainly for Adventure+ but in the process I added in a few more features. I included the option to have the menu lock to the top of the screen or the bottom similar to how the theme use to look. A lot of people asked for the ability to remove the “previous” & “next” links that come after content and I you guys one better. You now have the choice to remove the “previous” & “next” from just posts, just page, or both and you still can have it display the same. The slider and the content portion can now change to any color and adjust the opacity from 0% to 100% in 5% intervals. I also spent some time cleaning and organizing the customizer page, which means it is laid out a bit differently now but it works just the same. You now have the option to adjust the the amount of space fromt he top of the page to the where the content begins. I might have missed a thing or two but future updates should come much sooner with this hurdle cleared.
2.1 This is main an update to fix issues that I and others (like you) have found and fixed for the theme. The content no longer shifts to the right after the sidebar and embed video from YouTube and Vimeo are now responsive when embedded, plus some other minor stuff. I have also introduced the ablity change the color of the content of the background of content. In the next update I will include the ablity to change the sidebar.
1.8 The entire code for the WordPress theme “Adventure” has been completely rewritten in Version 1.8 and is a complete re-release of the theme. Not a single shred of code survived, and for good reason. The code was written over 3 years ago, before the HTML5 / CSS3 revolution, and had to be compatible with IE6 back then. Now that its three years later, I’m much better at coding and coupled with the progress made with HTML standards, the theme is back. While “Adventure” looks for the most part the same, there is a lot more happening in the code.

Adventure+ Version Information

6 Same as “Adventure 2.4” but I got some stuff special to you guys for next release.
5 Same as “Adventure 2.3” but more.
4 Major backend update which is mainly for Adventure+ to implement a bunch of features, in particular the Logo that I have received so many emails for. If you have any trouble using the logo for your website send me an email about it and I’ll take a look, this isn’t exact science and I might need to adjust the code some. I included the option to have the menu lock to the top of the screen or the bottom similar to how the theme use to look. I add in the ability to adjust the spacing from the top of the page to where the content and sidebar begins. You can also change the color of the font in the content, but it will receive more work in a future update. A lot of people asked for the ability to remove the “previous” & “next” links that come after content and I you guys one better. You now have the choice to remove the “previous” & “next” from just posts, just page, or both and you still can have it display the same. The slider and the content portion can now change to any color and adjust the opacity from 0% to 100% in 5% intervals. I also spent some time cleaning and organizing the customizer page, which means it is laid out a bit differently now but it works just the same. You now have the option to adjust the the amount of space fromt he top of the page to the where the content begins. I might have missed a thing or two but future updates should come much sooner with this hurdle cleared.
3 Nothing extra, just the same great code that Adventure 1.9 recieved in the latest update to the themes.
2 Since completely rewriting all the code for Adventure, and because Adventure+ is dependant and Adventure, I have designated that version 2 of Adventure+ is considered the initial re-release.