Adventure Bound Basic is a completely free theme for WordPress, released under GNU General Public License.
This theme is with WordPress 3.0 and up in mind.
Download -> Adventure Bound Basic 1.0.7
While I enjoy my first theme “Adventure” a lot, it was missing something, but it wasn’t possible to do with that theme. I wanted to condense the landing page so that it was easily navigated, colorful, and to the point. After many different designs I have come to this beautiful layout I now have, “Adventure Bound Basic.” This theme is not completely dependent on using the “Feature Image” options but significantly improves the viewing experience of your blog. Which is why you should know that the recommend feature image will be 610 pixels wide and 355 pixels tall to display properly. The theme does have “widgets” support, but they will not display until you add something to them. I really hope you enjoy it!
Adventure Bound Basic is an up-sell theme, meaning that I have extra premium features built into theme and with additional features also comes extra support for it. For more information on the enabling the premium features of Adventure Bound Basic click here.
How to Install
- Download the theme in a zip format from (Not quite ready).
- In your admin panel go to Appearance > Themes >Install Themes Select ‘ Upload’ from top menu(next to the ‘search’, ‘featured’, ‘newest’…)
- Browse your computer for
- Click and Upload.
Now, under your Appearance Tab, in the Themes directory should now be your new theme under the name “Adventure Bound Basic”.
Activate it and you’re done.
Under the Appearance tab there is “Background” and “Header” section. Note: The tab labeled “Theme Options” only work with Adventure Bound and Not Adventure Bound Basic. In there respective pages you can select either your own background or header image. On the “Background” tab, I recommend that you choosing “Center” for “Position,” “No Repeat” for “Repeat,” and “Fixed” for “Attachment” so that the background functions as I intended for it to. Otherwise the background will not take on the CSS3 properties to stretch the background image to best fit each and every screen resolution.
Update History
- 1/10/12 – Currently awaiting for approval from